moving up


The past week has been full of milestones.  One minor one, that didn’t seem small at all to me, is in cleaning out everyone’s drawers, I packed away what may well be our last onsie.  Can it really be that our baby days are over?  Maybe.  Maybe not, but really, it’s the first time in well over a decade that I’ve had no reason to have baby things around.  Coinciding with this, Little Rosebud got her first big girl bed.  Oh my.


It’s still tucked right up to mine, after-all, she’s still a bit of a baby yet.  In honor of all of this growing up that they all insist on doing, this post is a little tribute to the bed she recently spent her last night in.  Because it was a very special spot indeed.


Back in July of 2009, my sister and I started working on hand-piecing a quilt for Màiri Rose.  I wanted to spend her week long visit working on a craft project together and she wanted to learn to quilt by hand, so this is what we agreed on.  She picked all of the fabrics from my stash, while I, most unhelpfully, stood over her shoulder questioning her taste.  To be fair, she was just as adamant about questioning my sanity with regard to my fabric collection.  shrug. It’s a sister thing.

The photos above are all from that visit.  The last one is of the two of them, under the completed quilt top, the night before my sister left.  I don’t really remember exactly who did what anymore.  I know we both pieced it.  I think I did most of the cutting.  She did most of the embroidery, but I the roses and some of the trickier parts.


This past winter, she returned it to us, fully quilted.  All done by hand.


On the bed frame and futon, made by a friend for his own children, over the pillow, sheets and blanket that I made when this bed was Galen’s, rests Màiri’s quilt.

framed flowers


It’s reversible.


I knitted the blanket at the foot of the bed.  The one hanging over the side was crocheted by my mother.

bed again

I asked her if she could make a Tiramisu Blanket because the pattern is just so darn pretty.


Each and every element of this bed was lovingly made by someone who cares about her.

bed run

But who wouldn’t be excited about a brand new, big and fluffy bed??


The Wee Girl and I?  We had plans.  Ana White plans to be exact (I do so love Ana’s site).  I was dreaming a little dream of this daybed .  Do you see that green version there?!?  It gets my heart all aflutter.  Not being certain if I could find a healthy alternative to the MDF and knowing that my handy husband was likely to frown rather deeply at plans that require cutting scallops, I was willing to settle for this simple bed maybe with some pre-made wood embellishments and painted prettily?  That is until my darling husband burst my bubble by reminding me of the bed frame we had in the shed.  The rather rustic bed frame that wasn’t appealing to me at all.  He offered to paint it pink.  I explained that it wouldn’t help.  It’s not what I had in mind (the tiny floral print whole-cloth quilt that I have floating around my mind, just doesn’t mesh at all), but… it will do.  I figure if the worst I can complain about is not having to buy or make something, well then, it’s a pretty darn good life and I should go right ahead and shut up and be grateful!  Mission accomplished.


8 thoughts on “moving up

  1. renee ~ heirloom seasons

    That is so sweet, so much handmade-ness and love that went into her bed! I even like the simple rustic bed frame (which is definitely better than mattresses on the floor, that’s all we have ever had…) You’re making me feel some embroidery inspiration too! But I am not going to put any thought into too fast growing children at the moment…

  2. Melody Post author

    Oh, yes, we had mattresses on the floor for quite a while. They ended up getting moldy that way (in our old house), so we ended up sleeping on the floor for a year or so (until we got into the house we were building). Now we are all fancy. Bed frames for all! It makes me feel better about moisture not being trapped underneath.

  3. cecilia

    precious quilt – love the fabric and her embroidered name – i love the cocoon feeling of those sweet little babe beds. maybe that is part of why the green one you linked too is appealing to me as well – it feels a bit enclosed/secure. we just got bed frames last year for the first time and i quite like it. she looks truly excited about the new bed :)

  4. gillian

    Your husband sounds a lot like mine! I think that you should paint the new bed frame green and screw on finials. It will be lovely. The bedding is gorgeous!

  5. a little crafty nest

    What a beautiful, memorable quilt! So very very special, indeed. I love quilting and I made each of my three wee ones their own baby quilts. Now I’m onto bigger quilts for their bigger beds, though my middle girl is just 2. I also love your daughter’s bonnet. My girl has always worn one, as well, and this spring I am determined to make her a few myself. Have a great weekend.
    xo Jules

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