full disclosure

Monday marks nine years of blogging here for me. What started out as a way to keep family and friends updated on our journey while trying to recover from toxic mold exposure has turned into something much more. From the beginning it has also been a place for me to focus on and appreciate what was and is good and beautiful in the middle of an often challenging time. In all these years I’ve really resisted the idea of monetizing my blog. That was just never the point of this space for me.

I’m sitting here writing this on a Wednesday morning.  So far this week the various members of our family combined have had an MRI, an MRA, multiple EKGs, x-rays, an emergency room visit and extensive blood work.  And the week’s doctors appointments are far from over yet.  I’d like to say that this has been an extreme week, but it’s not all that out of the ordinary just now.  We’ve had 4 emergency room visits in the last 6 weeks- all for different members of the family- and each with it’s associated follow-ups with various specialists.  That’s without even going into all of the planned appointments, the medications, the supplements.  We’re kind of coming apart at the seams.  As if trying to balance and live with the stress of multiple chronically ill people within our family wasn’t challenge enough, the added strain of our mounting medical bills is simply too much.  This is such an easy and obvious source of potential income that I can literary no longer afford to overlook it.

It’s important to me that any company I support be one that I personally use.  What do I buy?  I buy yarn.  And the vast majority of my yarn comes from Knit Picks.  Their wide selection fits our budget and lifestyle while offering me lots of creative flexibility.  I have no less than four projects using their yarns on my needles at this very moment.  I’ve been sharing projects featuring Knit Picks yarns for years now.  Becoming their affiliate seemed logical.  They are supportive of independent designers, organize charity fundraisers, and are committed to ethical manufacturing practices.  I think we’re a good fit.  So in the future, if you follow a link from my site to the Knit Picks site and make a purchase, a portion of that order will go towards supporting our family.  The same goes for purchases made at Amazon.  And I thank you in advance, from the very bottom of my heart.

Worsted Weight Yarns from knitpicks.comThis week is Knit Picks biggest sale of the year.  I have my own small order to place for some holiday crafting- woolies to warm my babes in the months ahead.

happy knitting,



10 thoughts on “full disclosure

  1. MamaAshGrove

    So eloquently put, Melody. I have mulled over taking on sponsors and can’t seem to take that leap. I love knitpicks and will definitely follow the link from here each time I purchase yarn!
    Goodness I am so sorry about the chronic illness you suffer with. You do an incredible job protecting the privacy of your children here- I hadn’t realized that you are not the only one suffering. The appointments and medical costs sound staggering, Melody- to say the least of illness itself. I’m not sure what to say, because I want to say just the right thing to lift you up somehow. So I will send you peace and love and much hope and prayers for you all.
    I am continually amazed at your strength and the way that you find beauty and give it to your family, and share it with all of us.
    Hugs, Mama.
    Love, Melanie

  2. Katurah Hein

    Oh, Melody. I know I don’t comment here, and I’m very sorry for that. I used to blog (at luckybeans.typepad.com), and found your blog then. Since then, I’ve also been diagnosed with EDS and POTS, have various family members with their own diagnoses, and I so understand what you must be facing. Your blog is the source of so much happiness for me– I recently cut down to only ten in my feed– and I solemnly swear to only ever purchase my yarn through your link. ;) Sending you and your family much love.

  3. chrisoula

    In the few times that I have had the pleasure of seeing you in person, and the several times I’ve seen your boys working at the farm, I would never have guessed that you are juggling so much. Your family is so sweet, polite, focused, hard-working. I am sorry for all the challenges.

    I read many wonderful mama-written blogs and one of the things that I appreciate is when i am pointed to a good company that sells good products. And the fact that you can make a little money for your family seems like a perfectly fine thing.

    Keeping you in our thoughts,

  4. Erin


    I don’t think I have ever commented on your blog, but I check in almost daily! I am a homeschooling Waldorf/Charlotte Mason inspired momma of five (so far) and I have been more than inspired by you over the years! I love your posts, and I knit up your pattern recommendation (just finished the heartwarmer you made for your sweet Violet in my own grey/lavender merino from Frog Tree). I have made so many choices for my children based on what you do, your home, your choice of gifts/activities, etc. Thank you for everything you have given to me and my family by way of example and experience. I will certainly be shopping through your link when I need new yarn. Luckily my little boy has been begging me for a new vest and some knitted clothes for his 16″ Waldorf Doll. My seven year old also wants her own heartwarmer so I will be buying more yarn, adjusting the pattern and casting on!

    God Bless you and your family,


  5. Jeanette

    I’m fairly new to reading your blog. I am so sorry to hear about the health issues and the accompanying medical bills. I completely understand using what you have to make your life better in any way you can. affiliate links dont bother me at all. I’m free to use them or not use them. I love knit picks and would be happy to go through your site on my next order…..which will probably be in the next couple days! I wish peace and health from our family to yours.

  6. kim

    Though I hardly comment, I think I’ve said before that your blog is one of the only ones left that I truly love. I’m so sorry to hear that you are all having such health challenges. Can we just click through the links in this post or do we have to do something else? I will definitely be ordering from amazon in the next week……and I also need to buy some yarn. I’ve only bought Knit Picks once before so can you help me with a suggestion? I want to knit the Horse Lovers Mitts that you featured a while back…..I imagine they should be knit in something washable since they will undoubtedly get dirty. But I would love for them to be soft :-) Which yarn do you suggest?

  7. Annelise

    I’m glad you’re doing afilliates, you deserve to be able to make a little if you can.I’m sorry to hear about all the health problems.

  8. Robyn

    Melody, I’ve been following your blog for about a year and a half now and have really enjoyed it. You have inspired me to knit beautiful things, take photographs, and appreciate little moments in my life more.

    On a health note, your own struggle with EDS made me aware of the illness and connect the dots to the constant injuries, etc. in my life in order to seek treatment. I have been diagnosed with joint hypermobility syndrome this past fall and am learning how to maintain my busy schedule of teaching smallish children without my body falling apart.

    I thank you for your blogging, and will make a point of ordering via your affiliate links.

    Take care.

  9. Lindsay

    I would love to support you by purchasing through your website. You allow us such a beautiful view into your life, it is the least I could do. Thank you for allow us to connect by sharing your life.

  10. Katie

    Hi, I’m not much of a one for commenting but I feel I should tell you that I really, really love your blog. It makes me feel like coming home – like we could pull up a chair and have a good chat. Your family seems so wonderful and I think you do an amazing job of homeschooling and living in a natural and gentle way that I admire so much. I am sending you much love and good thoughts from England. Xx

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