Enough is enough…

Well, I’m back, again. Hopefully, this time for good. Problems continued to plague my laptop after my last posting. Eventually it got to the point where we had start to consider how much time, money and effort was really worth pouring into a really old laptop that we got off of ebay for $120. In the end we decided that it was probably about time for a fresh start. So….I am writing to you now from my new laptop! (very exciting…) It comes complete with all kinds

features that I have no idea what to do with, as well as what I am told is an excellent payment plan (ahem).

Despite our computer issuse and the fact that our well ran dry, again (which I’m not even going to get into now), we had a most glorious weekend! Friday was spent at my favorite little pond, tucked away in a corner of the woods.

By Saturday morning, I found myself asking how it could possibly be Autumn already! It isn’t, of course, but the weather sure had me fooled. The next two days were both bright and cool, perfectly stunning days. Just my favorite kind of weather.

I found myself spending way too much time thinking about picking apples and making soups.

Our days were filled out by trips to the farm, work around the yard, an afternoon spent at the playground, and blowing lots and lots of bubbles. Bliss.


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