a start to the great soaker project

While I haven’t actually pulled boxes out of the attic to check, I’m pretty sure we have next to no soakers left.  Some (especially in the smaller sizes) were passed along to friends.  Some were lost to washing mishaps.  Rosebud crawled right through the knees of many a pair of longies, which are actually my preferred diaper cover for the majority of the year.  I don’t remember exactly what is left, but I do remember feeling great relief any time Màiri moved up a size, only to find myself strained again, as that size wore on and out, at not having enough.  So knitting lots of soakers and longies, in all sizes, is very much on my agenda at the moment.

Here is the first installment….

The pattern is Adaptation by Connie Stults.  In a size medium, made out of some worsted yarn that Iain had left over from one of his projects.  I played with doing the mattress seaming to the inside instead of the outside.  I don’t like.  Any of it.  I don’t know why, I just don’t.  Plus, for some unfathomable reason I made the drawstring too short.  I’m sure it will be functional…well maybe with a new drawstring… but I just don’t like it.

Moving on…

Same pattern, slightly modified.  It’s so not the pattern’s fault.  I like the pattern, I think it’s the yarn that gets me.  These little longies must be considered adorable, if for no other reason then that they are so teeny-tiny.  I made these with some leftover Cascade Eco + I had kicking around.  I believe the color is ‘Shire’.  I did the seams on the outside this time.  MUCH better.  This started out as another soaker, but I found another ball of wool I didn’t know I had, so I sat and picked out the ends I had worked in, undid the bind off, stuck my needles back in and carried on knitting.

Many, many, many more to come…


6 thoughts on “a start to the great soaker project

  1. Melody Post author

    I think it may be more color then I’m comfortable with. lol And I think the seam on the outside looks much nicer. Also the ribbing on the cuffs somehow looks awkward. I think it’s a little too long to be proportionate for that particular size. None of which is a big deal. I don’t know, it just doesn’t do it for me!

  2. rebekah

    Our most recent baby (due in 4wks-ish) was a surprise. I was soakerless as I’d given most everything away. I made a dozen or so velcro wool wrap covers (elasticised leg/ no gusset) from the hoarder-sized sweater stash in the craft room. I’m looking forward to testing out their viability! I agree with your comment about longies- both my more recent babes lived in them and as they wore thin, I’d patch them up till they looked like hobo babies. And LOVE the eco-wool. Sturdy, energizer-bunny yarn!

  3. MamaAshGrove

    Oh these are both great! Ah, baby knits, the best kind of knit! I remember knitting longies, pair after pair while waiting for Sun. Longies are my favorite year round as well. He still wears them, though he doesn’t wear (daytime) diapers any longer.

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