A Rainy Morning Walk and Talk Through My Kitchen Garden

Or, “Why My Shoes Look Like This”, because apparently I don’t have enough sense to go put on rain boots.

Also known as, “Why I Ended Up Serving My Kids Pickles in the Car for Breakfast on the way to Church”

It’s like Wild Kingdom around here.  I failed to mention that later in the same day of the believed mountain lion sighting, the bear that plagued us all through last summer made an appearance, much larger than before, but just as comfortable as ever in our front yard.

Also, Mairi’s friend is the sister of a band member, not the brother.  It’s just that I hit my head a lot and say silly things sometimes.

Matchy-matchy for Father’s Day dinner.  Hey look, I actually put on rain boots!  I made us these linen dresses sometime back in November.  The discolored dots are raindrops!


4 thoughts on “A Rainy Morning Walk and Talk Through My Kitchen Garden

  1. Caz

    So sorry about your chickens. I feel I jinxed them, joking about soup last time. I hope the rest settle soon and you find out what is after them.
    We’ve had lots of rain here this summer. My garden is looking similarly soggy. Your peony is beautiful, even though it’s wet and I’m so jealous of your iris. I have had precisely 4 stalks of flowers from mine this year!
    We have a busy weekend ahead here with family visiting and youngest on a long walk and overnight camp with school. I’m hoping for dry but not hot weather as his rucksack is nearly as big as him. I hope you can have a restful time and recoup some strength, and iron!

  2. Victoria

    Hope you are feeling less tired soon and I am sorry about your chickens! Ours free range as well, we have birds of prey mostly goshawks and eagles attacking ours. Our rooster is a trooper though, warning the ladies and standing there alone defending them. We haven’t lost him yet, but we have been lucky. Have a great weekend. P.S. I love your garden and all your irises!

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