The Handcrafted Wardrobe: Herringbone Lunas

Teenage photographers, in the rain, using a camera without auto focus…  It’s kind of a miracle there are pictures at all.  It really would have been too much to ask that all of the pictures actually be in focus or that I don’t have a funny look on my face, etc.

More Luna Pants.  I didn’t have a chance to talk about my last pair.  My biggest regret with them was that I didn’t have enough of the linen left for the pockets and I used muslin, thinking it wouldn’t be a big deal, but there are flashes of white from the pockets when I move and it looks funny.  I didn’t make that mistake with this pair, which are of a very thick cotton flannel shirting in a herringbone pattern.

I wanted wool trousers, but cotton was a more affordable option.  The linen ones are better for in-between seasons, but these will actually provide a decent level of warmth on chilly days.

In a nutshell: I’m still not sure how I feel about the whole jogger pant trend thing- style wise.  But I really like Rae’s patterns.  And from the perspectives of comfort and ease of sewing, it was clear these would be a good match.  And they are- both comfortable and easy to make.  The fit is good.  I love the pockets. I don’t have a lot of tops that work well with them.

What have you been working on?






6 thoughts on “The Handcrafted Wardrobe: Herringbone Lunas

  1. Johanna

    Oh those look really cute and comfy! Have you thought of adding a bit of brightly colored embroidery, maybe around the pockets (Something folk-art inspired? Maybe flowers with winding vines, or something more geometric)? Or would that be too much of a hassle for a practical garment? (I don’t actually know enough about embroidery to know the feasibility of something like that, or how much work it would be)
    I’m in a phase in my life where I need more dressy pieces/workwear than casual clothing (right now “casual” clothing consists of old “nice” clothes that are faded and heavily mended). I’ve been on the hunt for pieces and projects that fill that criteria while still being comfortable, practical, and affordable. I’ve found that lightweight short-sleeved linen and/or lace blouses (worn with a cotton undershirt) work really well for summer, so I’m working on this right now (it’ll have short sleeves, either elbow-length or cap). I’m about halfway through the lace chart for the bottom (I really need to update my ravelry projects pages).—rosina-sweater

  2. Melody Post author

    Oo, that sweater is going to be to be beautiful!

    I love the embroidery idea, though I think it would turn them into a “delicate” garment, making them less practical from a laundry perspective anyway.

  3. Johanna VanderLaan

    Ah, yeah that makes sense. Like I said I don’t know much about embroidery (I keep saying I’ll learn sewing or embroidery, but then day to day there’s a choice between doing that and knitting and… well knitting always wins). I’ve been reading a lot about visible/creative mending though. Have you ever looked into that? Not for those pants, of course (at least not until they need it), but for other things. I like the idea of taking something old and worn down and making it beautiful. Then the more worn down it gets, the more it gets fixed, and the more unique and beautiful it becomes.
    Here’s an example:

  4. Taisa

    I’m having a grand time catching up here (I think each of your children have grown a foot since I last peeked in!) and seeing all the loveliness you have been up to and beautiful things you are creating. And I love the pants too! No personal wardrobe making going on over here, but I did pull out the sewing machine to help A. make a halloween costume and make a pair of velour leggings for my girl- so that’s something!

  5. Melody Post author

    Johanna- Oh yes! I think that concept is very wonderful! For me, somehow, my clothes always seem to end up torn in awkward places where one might not want to call attention, like between the legs… It would be much more convenient of clothing wore out artfully! I found a hole in one of the girls’ hats and I’m planning on doing something of this sort to mend it.

  6. Melody Post author

    Taisa- That most definitely is something. :) I’m was just thinking about you and I’m so glad you stopped in to say hello!

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