from abundance

I think I’m ready to be done with winter.  Usually I’m not fussy about these things and my spirits don’t give out quite so easily, certainly not so early!  I don’t know why I’m struggling this year.  I miss the earth.  I crave green growing things.  But winter does not seem to be nearly done with us.

As I mentioned before, we’re trying to cut spending in our household.  The prevailing view seems to be that this will be a painful, miserable process, during which we should all “suck it up” and white knuckle through.  I choose not to see it that way.  The fact that I can make that choice is evidence enough to prove I am truly blessed.  I am not scared for our lives, far from it.  And I have many, many, many things to be grateful for.  Up to and including the chance to act responsibly now for my family’s future well being.  I’ve set myself something of a personal challenge and I’m encouraging my family to join in.  Rather then focus on lack; all the can’t and shouldn’ts, my goal is to live the very best life we can live, while lowering our expenses.  As I go through this process I’m going to share some ideas here, some of the joys, some of the failures (because there will be setbacks) and just generally keeping tabs on how things are going.  I invite you to do the same!  Feel free to leave comments or links to your own thoughts.

I don’t feel like we are taking full advantage of our belongings.  There are so many things that could be fixed up, altered, put to a new use, taken advantage of, rearranged, even just tidied (!), in such a way that would serve us better.  Something to meditate on this week: if I’m not able to realize the full potential of my possessions, if I don’t have the time, energy or creativity to truly care for the objects I already own, then what on earth do I need additional things for?!?  I have so much that I can’t even properly care for it all.*  I find this thought very humbling.  I vow to shop at home and work with what I have, before even considering making a purchase.  There is so much untapped potential around our home.  Yes, there are limits to this.  Having an extra vegetable peeler does me not a whit of good when what I really need is a decent pair of pants that fit or new tires on the car.  But certainly there is enough to be getting on with.  Rather then feel confined by this I’m choosing to feel inspired.  I’m willing to consider the possibility that something amazing can be born out of limits.

*If you think you are different, let me ask you this…do you have any shirts that need buttons sewn on?  Closets that are cluttered without everything put away properly?  Socks with holes that need mending?  Are you behind on your laundry or dishes?  When’s the last time you backed up your photos or changed the filter in your furnace?  Any furniture in need of repairs or a fresh coat of paint?  I could go on, but I think you see my point and I’m really quite certain that I’m not alone in this.


One thought on “from abundance

  1. Nadine

    We are on same journey. I find myself needing or finding others in same circumstances…it can be lonely and may be even hard on some days
    to walk this road. I look forward to your tips and tricks and can share mine too…I do not have a blog…may be I should start one.
    Just a little about us..we are family of 4 ( 2 boys ages 9 and 11)..We have more children but they are adults…living on one income that has not be stable since husband stroke. Trying to find grace and courage to deal with a huge debts to pay off…one day at a time…one baby step at a time. Thanks for sharing your journey…blessings. Nadine

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