4 thoughts on “Happy St. Partick’s Day!

  1. Jasmine

    Hi Melody, I’ve been thinking about you and your family and hope you’re all well. It’s been quiet here lately which makes me worry a bit but then I hope instead that it means that you’re all busy with gardening, and schooling and sunshine.

  2. Cassie

    Hi Melody,
    Like Jasmine I’m worried all has gone quiet. Blogs are curious things….we feel so connected to you and your family but at the same time we couldn’t be further apart. I do hope that all is well in your little corner of the globe. Here in the south of the U.K. the children are sitting school exams, the garden is growing as I watch it and after a month with no rain we finally have a wet morning. Sending you warm wishes, warm sunshine and peace., Cassie x

  3. Lisa

    Melody, like the ladies above, I am concerned…please just let us know you and yours are OK….please.

  4. Alexa

    My son (9y) also takes Irish Step Dance – looooove this video, your son is really good!

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