birthday sweaters, in the garden…

on a cool spring evening.

 Fear not, I’m not going to completely ignore our wedding/vow renewal and the many, many, many craft projects therein.  There will be pictures.  There will be so many pictures and so much written, that you will swear off ever coming here again for fear of being forced to endure yet another vow renewal related post.  You will be begging for mercy and longing for the days of a nice boring post on Waldorf math.  But while we wait for the professional pictures to come, there might as well be some catching up.  For I missed a great deal of posting over the winter and early spring.

Case in point, Miss Màiri Rose’s birthday sweater, with matching sweater for little Rose of course, gifted on 1/5.  Rosebud’s is The Mira Sweater, by Elizabeth Murphy, made from the yarn that Galen and I dyed so long ago.  Rose’s sweater is the Luna Doll Sweater, also by Elizabeth Murphy and made from scraps of yarn in the same shade’s as Màiri’s.


2 thoughts on “birthday sweaters, in the garden…

  1. Robbie

    I have been reading your blog for a while now….first time to comment. She looks so sweet. One day, she can pass it on to her own little girl.

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